Sorry for the month long vaction from the blog. Finding time to do anything is a great feat these days. Also finding any energy is like a quest for the Holy Grail- too long and too tideous to attempt, leaving you questioning if it even exists.
Yet the theme of this current post is an issue I hope I'm not the only mom to have ever dealt with or currently dealing with- the feeling that you are and will ever be Quasimomo. You know what I mean (hopefully), that feeling that you are fat, ugly, hideous and will always be from here on out. It begins when you are pregnant. You become fat, swollen, possible pimply and you think, "Oh well, I'm pregnant. I don't care." After the baby is born, you still feel like a Quasimomo, but you tell yourself, "I just had a baby. I'm supposed to feel insecure." But one year later and I still feel I will never be attractive again. Is it the crusted over Cheerio I found on my shelve this morning? The fact I'm still in-between sizes even though I've lost all my baby weight? Is it that I still have to wear glasses all the time, because my eyes are constantly aching from the lack of sleep?
Regardless of what it is, you feel completely ugly. I'm not quite sure how to solve this one. Well, that's the current things bothering this working mom- no time to get everything done, too exhausted to them anyway, and feeling completely gross.
Despite those things, I do take such pride in my beautiful daughter, and love every moment I get to spend with her no matter how exhausted or ugly I feel.